Tag Archives for " herbal remedies "

8 Common Herbs With Amazing Health Benefits

8 Common Herbs with amazing benefits. Food can be your medicine if you work with it, not against it by eating good fresh rather than processed foods.

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Seven Adaptogenic Herbs to Help Safely Reduce Stress and Generate Better Health – Part 3

Rhodiola - dried and flowering

Adaptogenic herbs are touted for their stress reducing properties but they do more than that much more safely than traditional medicine.

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Seven Adaptogenic Herbs to Help Safely Reduce Stress and Generate Better Health – Part 2

eleuthero roots

Adaptogenic herbs, known as stress reducers, have a long history of use in addition to being much safer than standard medications for the same purpose.

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Seven Adaptogenic Herbs to Help Safely Reduce Stress and Generate Better Health – Part 1

Schisandra Berry

Adaptogens, originally developed in Russia for stress and stamina, have a wide range of applications- including emotional stress like anxiety without dangerous side effects.

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