Tag Archives for " Natural Solutions "

3 Allergy Myths and Truths You Need to Know

3 Commonly held myths about allergies that you should know about to enable you to make treatment decisions, including the use of alternatives.

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Helping Seasonal Allergies With Natural Remedies and Nutrition (Part 1)

Pollen from nature

Allergies plague many people but there are more options to address this issue than taking over the counter medications and seeing expensive specialists and allergists continuously.

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Seven Adaptogenic Herbs to Help Safely Reduce Stress and Generate Better Health – Part 3

Rhodiola - dried and flowering

Adaptogenic herbs are touted for their stress reducing properties but they do more than that much more safely than traditional medicine.

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Seven Adaptogenic Herbs to Help Safely Reduce Stress and Generate Better Health – Part 2

eleuthero roots

Adaptogenic herbs, known as stress reducers, have a long history of use in addition to being much safer than standard medications for the same purpose.

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Seven Adaptogenic Herbs to Help Safely Reduce Stress and Generate Better Health – Part 1

Schisandra Berry

Adaptogens, originally developed in Russia for stress and stamina, have a wide range of applications- including emotional stress like anxiety without dangerous side effects.

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Reasons to Stay Healthy Grow As Medical Costs Continue to Threaten American’s Financial Stability

Debt Based Inflated Dollar

According to a recent report stemming from a West Health-Gallup survey, Americans were forced to borrow $88 Billion in 2018 to pay for health care. Most of them were insured. We need alternatives other than cost control.

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Unreported Health Danger: Microwave Level Radiation- EMF’s

Cell Exposure from Smart Meters

Maybe you eat organic and non-GMO food. You only drink purified water. You take care of yourself and your family’s health. Nevertheless, there is a silent, invisible danger causing potential harm to you and your loved ones you likely have not even considered. A danger in which we are mainly unknowing guinea pigs in a giant experiment with still unknown consequences.

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Using Essential Oils to Promote Better Health – Part 2

Breathe In

The odor of something has a powerful & immediate effect upon our state of being because the olfactory nerves connect to the brain. Essential oils can be used as aromatherapy to change your state. This post covers how.

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Using Essential Oils to Promote Better Health

Stage One Crude Essential Oil

Essential oils have been used for over 4,000 years. Find out how they can be benefit to your health and emotional well-being.

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How to Grow Your Seedlings from Seeds 101- Part 2

Nanodome Mini Greenhouse

The ABC’s of successful seedling growing for the serious organic gardener.

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